Manjit Bawa

I first discovered Manjit Bawa in Midnight to the Boom by Homi K. Bhabha and Susan S. Bean

MANJIT BAWA: MY GURU, BROTHER AND FRIEND - India Art Fair by Abhishek Poddar - MAP

'Being a turbanned Sikh from an ordinary middle-class family was daunting enough but to strike out against the prevalent forces of Cubism and the iconic Klee was to really ask for big trouble and I was hauled up time and again with strict instructions to toe the line. But I remained true to my calling, naturally annoying authorities. Even then in those formative years I was haunted by the spectre of mediocrity. I was willing to accept any challenge, but on my own terms. I was obsessed with one driving need – to create my own painterly language.’ - Sotheby’s

(M. Bawa, ‘I Cannot Live By Your Memories, Manjit Bawa in Conversation with Ina Puri’, Let’s Paint the Sky Red: Manjit Bawa, Vadehra Art Gallery, New Delhi,

“He had worked as a printmaker for eight years,
which is where the flat background of his paintings came from” -
on studying serigraphy in London.

The Most Complete Collection of Work - HERE


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