Significant Seven
First post on the wellness blog! Ill be posting more and more on individual topics or people that relate to overall wellness but I will also be posting "significant seven" which will deal with different articles relating to topics of interest! Below is your first Significat Seven, Enjoy!
1. All you fit bit users - 15,000 steps are better than 10,000. Increase your steps today!
2. Cauliflower Rice, it's whats for dinner. Low calorie main dish in 25 minutes.
3. Natural skin care ingredient of the week: Carrot Seed Oil. Tone, brighten and moisturize with this simple essential oil recipe.
4. The morning "workout" you won't have to leave your bed to complete! All you have to do is breathe.
5. "Embracing vulnerability and imperfections to live wholeheartedly and to courageously engage in our live." The book you should have already read.
6. What your clothing color is saying about you or rather how it's making your feel.
7. Drinking Ginger. Use fresh ginger with lemon and honey to make your tea and improve your health.